Loqi Smiley Tyvek Blossom White Laptop Sleeve
Floral scents and lush, fragrant bouquets. Take a garden in bloom to go when you show your tech some love from the Tyvek Blossom White laptop cover. © Smiley
One can’t help but smile at the original icon of pure happiness. Smiley has been spreading positivity since 1972 and the icon has become an integral part of popular culture, worn by trendsetters around the world. The sunny circle at Smiley is all about blue skies and big love and they created a collection for LOQI to match those endless good vibes. Realise the power of a smile when you wear your Smiley accessory today!
We thought you'd never ask!
I weigh 103 g (3.6 oz).
I can carry 3 kg (6.6 lbs).
My size is 26 × 36 cm (10.2" × 14.1").
I'm made of DuPont™ Tyvek®.
I'm STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified.
I'm water resistant.
I'm made of TPU.
I'm recyclable.
LOQI is certified CO2 Neutral by Planetly.
Please note this item ships from Germany and the price may vary slightly due to currency exchange rates and postage will be additional (€29.99)
In 2020 LOQI switched to 100% recycled GreenCircle material, to Greenpeace electricity, to FSC certified packaging and to sustainable shipping partners to reduce emissions. As a next step, LOQI will identify more reduction areas with Planetly. LOQI is committed to reduce and avoid emissions wherever possible.
LOQI also support numerous charitIes: LOQI supports the protection of 182,000 hectares of Andean rainforest. In India, a wind project that feeds renewable energy to the electricity grids. In Rwanda, the installation of new water pumps to provide access to a hygienic water supply. On top of that, LOQI supports Plastic Bank, an initiative working to stop ocean plastic. LOQI’s support will enable the collection of 250 tonnes of plastic from the ocean.
This item also forms part of a collaborative project called Future Positive® which is a sustainability initiative by Smiley®, with the mission and mantra to make different and make better with their partners and licensees. It aims to deliver on the United Nations SDG Goal 12: responsible production and consumption by making more responsible and sustainable products for you and the planet.

OEKO-TEX® is a union of 18 independent research and test institutes in the field of textile and leather ecology in Europe and Japan with contact offices in more than 60 countries. The partner institutes have joint responsibility for the development of test methods and limit values which form the basis for the following standards:
- Product labels according to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® and LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX®,
- Production facility certification according to STeP by OEKO-TEX® (Sustainable Textile & Leather Production),
- Chemicals certification according to ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX®
- Status report according to DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX®
The independent OEKO-TEX® partner institutes are entitled to conduct appropriate laboratory tests or company audits in accordance with worldwide standardised guidelines. These comprehensive product and process tests guarantee risk management, consumer and environmental protection, as well as legal conformity.