Our Ethos
It is our belief that for most products, the most sustainable purchase is no purchase.
Buying pre-loved products is the next best step.
So buying a new product needs to be carefully considered.
At Ateliers Verts® we appreciate high quality branded products, especially those that have an ethical DNA. We like to be reassured that when we buy a product, everything possible has been done to minimise the human footprint caused in its creation.
We carefully curate these products to provide a marketplace where brands can co-exist bound by their principles.
We have seen so many worthy charities and organisations working towards a greener planet and we are doing what we can to support them.
It is our belief that one day all products will be “ethical” and we want to be in a position to look back and say that we played a significant role in achieving this belief.
Welcome to the World of Ateliers Verts® #minimiseourhumanfootprint