Global CO2 Emissions – How are we doing?

One of the preeminent organisations who can answer this question is Carbon Monitor ( It’s an ongoing project to measure CO2 emissions globally led by University of California- Irvine, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat & de L’Environnement.

Carbon Monitor just released their global CO₂ emissions updates for the full year 2022. Unfortunately global CO2 emissions increased by 1.6% in 2022 over 2021’s figure. This increase represented 8% more than in 2020 and 2.1% more than in 2019 India was up 7.1%, USA was up 3.5%, EU & UK was up 2.4%, Japan was up 2% whilst. China performed the best and managed a reduction of -1.3%. 

Global CO2 Emissions 2022

Data with thanks to -  more information specifically on breakdowns by selected countries is available.

As a stark reminder, in case we needed one:

The IPCC stated that emissions would need to peak before 2030 to limit temperature rises to 1.5oC and net zero emissions globally needed to happen by around 2050. In simple terms, 'net zero' means our total emissions are equal to or less than the emissions we remove from the environment.

To keep warming to 1.5 degrees, countries must cut emissions by at least 45 per cent compared to 2010 levels.

We are woefully off course.


(Header Image © Carbon Monitor) 


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